Thank you for your interest in participating in SOCIAL-Tx study!
Frequently asked questions
Why is this study being done?
This study is being done to understand how life circumstances, such as where we eat, sleep, play and work affect children's health as they undergo liver transplantation.
Am I eligible to participate in the SOCIAL-Tx study?
You may be eligible to enroll if you are:
-- younger than 18 years old
-- listed to have or have had a liver transplant
How do I enroll in the SOCIAL-Tx study?
A study member will contact you within 2 business days to discuss enrolling in the SOCIAL-Tx study.
What will happen if I decide to take part in this research study?
-- A study coordinator will contact you by phone or e-mail to discuss the study and you will be asked to review an informed consent form and sign to participate in the study.
-- You will complete the survey online or on paper.
-- You also may be asked to participate in an hour long Zoom interview with a study team member.
Can I review the Informed Consent before deciding to participate?
Yes! Please see below for a copy of our parental informed consent forms.
How often will I be doing surveys?
You will complete the survey at baseline/time of enrollment and again one year from transplant.
How are surveys completed?
Surveys can be done on paper or online (via e-mail or REDCap survey link)
Will I be compensated for my time?
Participants will receive a $10 gift card at enrollment upon survey completion and another $50 gift card if completing the hour long interview.
What are the side effects or risks from being in the study?
There are minimal risks for participants in this study. Possible risks include:
-- Stress/anxiety while completing study survey/interview: Some of the questions you will be asked may cause you to feel uncomfortable or cause you anxiety. You may skip any questions that you do not feel comfortable answering.
-- Confidentiality: Participation in research may involve a loss of privacy, but information about you will be handled as confidentially as possible. Your name will not be used in any published reports about this study.
Additional questions about the SOCIAL-Tx study?
Please Click here to contact the SOCIAL-Tx study team
contact the social-tx study team
click here to refer your patient
Our Team
Sharad, Wadhwani, MD, MPH
Principal Investigator
Bethany Bautista
Study Coordinator
Andrea Huerta
Study Coordinator